DBT Deluxe Skills Set! Flashcards from DBT; Self-soothe items, Journals, "Wise Mind" Aromatherapy, More! Made by a Certified DBT Therapist!


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DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Deluxe Skills Set! Learn and review REAL DBT SKILLS and enjoy the variety of self-soothing support items along with reflective journals and a richly-scented "Wise Mind" Aromatherapy Candle. Handmade For You By A Certified DBT Therapist! Your Deluxe DBT Skills Set will include:

*The "New and Expanded DBT Skills Flashcards," with Carrying Case, 37 Full Color, premium-grade laminated cards, these are GENUINE DBT Skills Cards, and were written by this Etsy Maker that is also a Certified DBT Therapist. All of the cards are based upon official Marsha Linehan, PhD. DBT: "DBT Skills Handouts and Worksheets 2nd Edition," (more described about the cards below).

*Wise Mind Aromatherapy Candle: 8oz richly scented aromatherapy candle to evoke the calm, intuitive and knowing state of "Wise Mind," balances emotion mind and reasonable mind with intuition and peaceful knowing. Scented with essential oils: Spiced Amber, Cypress and meditative Patchouli.

*DBT Journal, a Premium Blank-Book, lined writing Journal with Bamboo Cased Black Ink Pen. The journal has a sturdy cover and an elastic binding band, along with two marking ribbons to keep your place.

*Mindfulness Daily Journal with daily mindfulness reflection prompts.

*Aromatherapy Incense and wood Incense Burner Tray in Sacred Sandalwood Scent, 40 sticks of richly scented, calming incense.

*Box of Pomegranate Green Tea (10 Bag Size), Organic Self-Soothing Tea Blend

*Laminated "Emotions Wheel," to help you identify and self-validate complex emotions, particularly helpful at times of overwhelm.

*Premium Large Essential Oil Bath Bomb (lovely floral, relaxing scent of Ylang Ylang)

*Lavender-Essential Oil Infused "Sleep Lotion," Body Lotion

*DBT Skill of Distracts: Detailed, Adult Mindfulness Coloring Book of Mandalas, relaxing patterns and diverts your attention from distress. Comes with a 12 pack of sharpened coloring pencils as well.

*Beautifully arranged for you in a "DBT Skills Deluxe Set" Decor Box, metallic gold color, with kraft color decor paper shreds. Your DBT Skills Deluxe Set will be wrapped with a decor clear cello bag and topped beautifully with a coordinating bow.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: No therapeutic relationship exits between Seller and Buyer, and this set is not intended as a replacement for medically-necessary mental health care/psychotherapy/counseling. Not intended to treat or diagnose any mental health condition. Ideally this set is used to compliment therapy work being done in a DBT Program or with a DBT Therapist, or as an after-care support set for those who have learned DBT from a direct mental health provider. Set is appropriate for ages teen through adult.


The "New and Expanded DBT Skills Flashcard Deck" will be handmade for you when you order! The DBT Skills Card Set contains 37 full color mental health/mental wellness DBT Skills you can use in everyday life, these are VERY powerful coping cards--and they go way beyond the "basics" or "obvious" suggestions often given when discussing coping skills.

DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy and was developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD. These are REAL DBT skills cards, they help navigate emotions, interpersonal relationships; the cards also contain crisis and distress management strategies and help you build core mindfulness and goal effectiveness skills. ONLY THIS SET OF DBT CARDS were actually written and designed by a practicing DBT Certified Psychotherapist, who is also this Etsy maker. The cards are SOLIDLY BASED ON GOLD STANDARD REAL, Genuine Marsha Linehan, PhD model of DBT. Excellent for use in therapist or counselor offices, mental health practices, for members attending a DBT Skills Group or for Skills Trainers, great for graduates of DBT therapy programs or excellent for those just starting their journey in DBT with a qualified mental health professional.

"The New Expanded DBT Skills Flashcard Deck" is NEW because it includes 3 bonus Skills Challenge charges to encourage mastery and use of DBT Skills in your daily life! Dialectical Perspective and Middle Path are also included in addition to the 4 main modules of the Linehan DBT Skills Manual, official version, 2nd Edition.

Your cards come ready to LAST you through thick and thin! Because they are heavy 5ml premium grade laminated, and bound with a single metal ring and come with a DBT Skills Zipper Carrying Case!

This cannot be emphasized enough: Your Skills Cards from me are based on *Real DBT* as defined and researched by Marsha Linehan PhD (and her research earned her a number of National of Mental Health Institution Grants and Well Deserved Professional Accolades). Dialectical Behavior Therapy or "DBT" is the official treatment model of that Dr. Linehan founded for individuals struggling with strong, sensitive emotions and difficulties with their emotion regulation, at times safety difficulties, problems with mindfulness or a sense of consistent self, persons who may have Borderline Personality Disorder or some aspects of Borderline Personality Disorder, and DBT has also been shown to be very effective with Teens, Adults, and across the gender spectrum.

DBT was designed to help alleviate suffering, help people establish their own effective life management path, get clarity on their goals in relationships and start building a LIFE WORTH LIVIVNG not just as life to tolerate, and that LIFE should have rich meaning for them.

The cards are NOT A SUBSITUTE FOR COMPREHENSIVE DBT TREATMENT WITH A QUALIFIED MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER/DBT THERPAIST OR DBT SKILLS TRAINING GROUP OR PROGRAM. They are designed as a compliment to these programs, or for therapists/mental health providers to use, or for active clients or past clients of DBT to use to enhance daily SKILLS USE in their lives. They are not designed to be a crisis intervention tool in and of themselves, they can be part of a crisis or high distress tolerance plan you develop with your own active treatment professional. The CARDS ARE ALSO EXCELLENT FOR FAMILY MEMBERS OR SUPPORT PERSONS LOOKING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DBT SKILLS AND WAY OF LIVING IN AN EFFICENT MANNER.

As mentioned, the cards are based on the Linehan "DBT Skills Manual and Handouts 2nd Ed" from Guilford Press. Comes hole punched and on a binder ring for you. Please note, as already mentioned, that this resource is meant to compliment your journey in learning and using DBT Skills in real life, and in conjunction with work you may be doing with a DBT Professional in psychotherapy and/or DBT Skills Training Groups. This resource is not intended as a replacement for medically necessary care should that be your need. NO ACTUAL OR IMPLIED THERAPUTIC RELATIONSHIP exists between this author/designer/seller and the buyer/user. The cards are not a sole crisis resource or a diagnostic tool, or intended to be sole means of treatment or learning DBT.

This set is very understandable in content and is appropriate for ages Teen through Adult.

People who have completed DBT therapy and Skills Training before will also love how convenient these cards make brushing up on the DBT Skills.

Unique to this card deck is a special BONUS section of guided DBT Skills Challenge cards, designed to help you build confidence in your DBT Skills use and as is said in DBT: To help you “Build Mastery.”

The 37 cards are based on all four modules of official Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) plus includes Walking The Middle Path (Dialectical Perspective). You can expect specific Skills guidance in the areas of Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness (relationships), Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance (Skillful strategies to manage increased distress and crisis point skills including 3 cards on the DBT Skill of TIPP for example). Too many Skills are covered from the Linehan DBT Manual to list here! Card number 38 is the title/cover card.

The DBT Skills Flashcards resource you will receive may also become a favorite go-to for therapists, counselors, mental health professionals and DBT Skills Group leaders. DBT SKILLS GROUPS have BOUGHT THESE IN BULK FOR THEIR MEMBERS, AND MEMBERS ALSO HAVE BOUGHT THEM DIRECTLY THEMSELVES. AN EASY LINK TO BUY MORE OF THESE CARDS CAN BE FOUND AT:
www.InWISEMindDBTshop.com and search the shop section “DBT Items” to find these cards and more DBT inspired resources and items. My Website is Etsy supported, all purchases are secure through the Etsy powered platform. You can also shop my 5-Star rated Etsy Shop at the same shop name! InWiseMindDBTshop (no spaces are included in Etsy shop names).

SAFETY NOTE: Set is intended to be used by responsible teens and adults. Never leave a candle or incense burning without attending to it carefully. Be sure these items are out of reach of children or pets, and are fully extinguished when finished enjoying them.

***May you achieve your life and relationship and mental health goals more smoothly and effectively, may you obtain increased peacefulness in your mind, may you come to know your "Wise Mind" intuition and may you build YOUR life into the LIFE WORTH LIVING that you want--and deserve--through the help of DBT! Many positive thoughts for you on your path, --Lisa***

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Excellent selection of materials from one of my favorite shops!

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